We had the opportunity to talk to Austin K., who was assigned to the St. George office to share his experience in tech support.   

"Being an intern at InfoWest was a great way for me to get my foot in the door." Said Austin, “I enjoyed the work environment, and the individualized attention InfoWest gives to their customers and employees."

For Austin, the internship let him learn how InfoWest provides its award-winning customer service.

“I wasn’t just doing the internship for work, it was also a great learning opportunity.” Recalled Austin, when asked about why he wanted the internship. "I had great training. Both with support phone calls and in person with customers. I feel InfoWest prepared me well for my next job opportunity."

Austin said he would recommend an InfoWest internship to anyone looking for a way to enter the Information Technology field.

Travis D., Austin's direct supervisor said, “Austin was solid. He displayed good workplace skills and professionalism. He showed us quality personality traits that any employer would value. He was always on time, did the work assigned to him, and always had a positive attitude. Austin is driven to learn more and grow. Along with his soft skills in the workplace, he showed great technical ability. He will succeed in the I.T. industry, I look forward to following his career.”

We are happy that Austin chose to intern with InfoWest, and we look forward to a continued partnership with Dixie Technical College. We wish him and all our interns from the summer the best of luck!